
Consciousness is the Fundamental Ground of Being

“Quantum Physics says that consciousness is playing a role in the universe. It says that there is a secret underground that seems to be effecting the reality we live in …” ~Fred Alan Wolf

Effect (with an “e”) means “to achieve something and cause it to happen”, whereas “affect” (with an “a”) means “to influence.”

“Quantum mechanics says that there is a spiritual world that makes this choice, that there is an other world that is intangible that effects and influenced the physical world.” ~Dr. Jeffrey Satinover

So, the simplest and best answer to the question., “Who or what is choosing certain specific wave frequencies from the Field and downloading them to a human brain to be converted into holograms to become the ‘reality’ we see and experience?” is “consciousness.”



We may be forced to admit that consciousness, like infinity and the particle- wave concepts in quantum mechanics, is a property that cannot be made intuitively straightforward. Consciousness – like gravity, mass and charge – may be one of the irreducible properties of the universe for which no further account is possible.” ~V.S. Ramachandran

Consciousness, whatever that is, chooses certain wave frequencies that it wants from the infinite number of possibilities in the Field, downloads those specific frequencies to a human brain, which translates them into a holographic 3D total immersion movie by collapsing the wave function and then projects that movie “out there” for us to experience as our “reality.”  ~Michael Talbot -The Holographic Universe

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