This video explains some of the traditional healing methods of the Navajo. The sand paintings of the Navajo have been used for hundreds, if not thousands of years as healing tools. This is certainly consistent with the idea of mandalas being used to reunify. These sand paintings are powerful. Like many of the Tibetan Mandalas […]

Use the tools, Luke! Tour of Consciousness with Dr Dain Heer
I love Dr Dain Heer. His presentation is so light and refreshing. Awakening from the suffering/reaction/resistance doesn’t have to be difficult. It doesn’t have to take a lot of time either. In fact go ahead and allow it to be fast and easy. Dain offers a few tools that can help you realize how fast […]

Tibetan Sand Mandala
One of the amazing things about Tibetan Mandalas is that there can be over 700 different representations of divinity in the mandala. While creating the mandala they meditate on each of the different meanings. The mandala is highly charged with the focused contemplation of the monks as well as the radiant colors used to project […]

Intuitive Creative Fulfillment
This Sacred Geometry Mandala comes from mandalasacredgeom…. This unique original art is a catalyst for spiritual awakening. The principles of life resonant in this mandala are completion, mastery, time, intuition, creative perfection, fulfillment.