The universe cannot be read until we have learned the language and become familiar with the characters in which it is written. It is written in mathematical language, and the letters are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without which means it is humanly impossible to comprehend a single word. Without these, one is wandering […]

Blocks, Counter Intentions, Limiting Beliefs, Charges – Anchors or Sails pt. 1
Many personal development “gurus”extol the power of positive thinking to aid the creation of our intentions. Because we all have the innate desire for betterment in our lives I don’t feel it is as important to cultivate our positive thinking as it to as cease the emotionally reactive thinking. Positive thinking is great and powerful and […]

In this Art
Meditation, Unity Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Chakras, Mayan Numbers, Tibetan Mandalas, Vedic Yantras, Masaro Emoto’s Message in Water, The Law of Attraction, Spiritual Development, Awakening, Self Realization, Clearing Techniques, Hopi Sand Painting, Numerology, Symbology and Symbolism, Philosophy, Quantum Spirituality, Genesis and Creation, Attention and Intention, Greg Braden’s Speaking the Lost Language of God – Pray Rain, […]

We want to be Happy and All is Provided
We are all doing the best we can with the resources we have. I am being the best being that i know how to be. For many of us our driving force is “we want to be happy”. Look at the amount of time spent with thoughts and feelings that calibrate below 200 on David Hawkins’ map […]

Material Desire
Todays post comes from the need to understand, in advance, the challenges for the beginner meditator. Material Desire Is The Supreme Ruler in the person who does not meditate. It is Desire’s power that lures man to follow the path of sense pleasure rather than the path of soul happiness. The ordinary person, knowing nothing […]

How does One Lose One’s self in Love
How does One Lose One’s self in Love? How does One fall in Love with All that is? One Becomes Love. One Realizes Love. God is Love. What are the symptoms of being in Love? One is absorbed and saturated in thought and action with the object of their Love. So to fall in Love […]

Awakening Oneness
What is Oneness, Wholeness, Unity, Completeness, Totality? No separation, no distinction, no other. This is the primary state of consciousness, the fundamental ground of being. So what happened to us, us individuals, the human population? Oneness may have developed focal points. These focal points had centering force and it was the centering force that developed […]

Geometry is knowledge of the eternally existent. ~Plato
Geometry is knowledge of the eternally existent. Plato Geometry existed before creation. Plato The miracle is that the universe created a part of itself to study the rest of it, and that this part in studying itself finds the rest of the universe in its own natural inner realities. John C. Lilly The aim of […]